Veranstaltung: Annäherungen an das Ungesagte – Die Deportation in der Kunst Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum

Zum Podiumsgespräch eingeladen sind die Schriftstellerin Iris Wolff, der Fotograf Marc Schroeder, die Kunsttherapeutin Erika Möwius und die Performerin Heike Schuster. Sie zeigen Ausschnitte aus ihren Werken und stellen die Frage, wie es gelingen kann, die traumatischen Erfahrungen von Eltern, Großeltern, Freunden oder Interviewpartnern aufzugreifen und künstlerisch zu bearbeiten.

Weitere Informationen

CfA: Southeast European Studies (SEES) Student Symposium I Deadline: 31st January 2025

The Symposium aims at creating an opportunity for networking among SEES students and students who have a subject-related connection to Southeast Europe. It will provide a platform for exchange and feedback on current research papers (seminar papers, bachelor’s and master’s theses, etc.) and projects. Also, it is supposed to serve as a kick-off event for a long-term SEES student network.

Call for Applications

CfP: The cultures and heritage of the communities along the Carpathian Arc I Balkan History Association I Deadline: 30. Januar 2025

The Balkan History Association and the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Comenius University in Bratislava are preparing a volume dedicated to the cultures and heritage of the communities along the Carpathian arc. Researchers from the fields of social and cultural anthropology, human geography, social history, sociology and ethnopsychology, ethnolinguistics and folklore, religious studies, heritage studies, ethnoarchaeology, cultural studies, etc., are invited to submit their contributions.

More information