
Writing History in Multicultural Regions of Southeastern Europe: The Role of Special Libraries and Archives


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2.–4. Oktober 2019
Pazin and Pula, Kroatien

2.–3.10.: Pazin: ul. Vladimira Nazora 3, 52000 Pazin (Karte, externer Link)
4.10.: Pula, Faculty of Humanities, Auditorium „Slavko Zlatić“, ul. Ivana Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula (Karte, externer Link)


Međunarodni znanstveni skup
Kako pisati povijest multikulturalnih regija Jugoistočne Europe: Uloga specijalnih knjižnica i arhiva

International Academic Conference
Writing History in Multicultural regions of Southeastern Europe: The Role of Special Libraries and Archives

Državni arhiv u Pazinu/State Archives in Pazin
Institut za njemačku kulturu i povijest Jugoistočne Europe
na Sveučilištu Ludwig-Maximilian u Münchenu/
Institute for German Culture and History of Southeastern Europe
at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli/Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Filozofski fakultet u Puli/Faculty of Humanities in Pula


Scholars researching regions with ethnic and linguistic diversity as well as with a tumultuous history face a double challenge. On the one hand, one must be familiar with the history and with the particular linguistic and cultural heritage of the region in order to be able to conduct integrative research and not just perpetuate the oft one-sided discourses that have influenced academia throughout much of the twentieth century. On the other hand, the sources necessary for such work often lie scattered among local, regional and state-wide institutions, sometimes in different countries, and it requires true detective work just to locate them. Institutions (whether libraries or archives) across state boundaries often have no knowledge of regionally relevant holdings at other institutions.

The goal of the conference is to bring scholars across disciplinary and cultural boundaries together with librarians and archivists from regional institutions and to facilitate a mutually beneficial exchange through exploring specific ways of strengthening interaction and cooperation.

Among the issues and questions to be discussed are the following:

  • How to reconstruct regional histories when archival materials are scattered across institutions and state borders?
  • How can regional libraries and archives better facilitate research of regions and what feedback is necessary or helpful from researchers?
  • What are some best practice examples of cooperation between historical and archival institutions in Southeastern Europe?
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of producing ethnocentric and isolationist regional historiography and write inclusive regional histories – in part as a result of the limited availability of sources?
  • What forms of cooperation or exchange across national boundaries may be helpful in encouraging more regional research?
  • What are specific challenges that historians and archivists in multilingual and multicultural regions both face?

Istria with its diverse cultural and linguistic heritage is a perfect location for hosting this conference and is featured prominently in the program. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to explore and receive expert guided tours of the State Archives in Pazin and of the Library of the k. u. k. Naval Forces, which is a special collection held at the University Library in Pula.



Srijeda, 2.10.2019 – Državni arhiv u Pazinu
Wednesday, 2 October 2019 – State Archives in Pazin, ul. Vladimira Nazora 3, 52000 Pazin

12.00 – 13.30 Registracija uzvanika / Invitee Registration

13.30 – 14.00 Otvaranje skupa / Conference opening

14.00 – 14.30 Uvodna riječ / Introductory remarks by dr. sc. Angela Ilić (IKGS München)

14.30 – 15.30 prof. dr. sc. Darko Dukovski (University of Rijeka): Mogućnosti i metodologija znanstvenog istraživanja i pisanja povijesnih sinteza Srednje i Jugoistočne Europe / The Possibilities and Methodology of Scientific Research and Writing of Historical Syntheses of Central and Southeastern Europe

15.30 – 15.45 Rasprava / Discussion

15.45 – 16.15 Pauza / Break

16.15 – 17.15 dr. sc. Vlatka Lemić (Head of the Central Archives Office, University of Zagreb): Arhivi, zajednica i društvo u globalnom okruženju: suvremeni trendovi i stručne prakse / Archives, Community and Society in a Global Environment: Contemporary Trends and Professional Practices

17.15 – 17.30 Rasprava / Discussion

18.00 Večera / Dinner


Četvrtak, 3.10.2019 – Državni arhiv u Pazinu
Thursday, 3 October 2019 – State Archives in Pazin

9.00 – 10.30 Primjeri dobre prakse / Best Practices

  1. dr. sc. Georg Grote (EURAC Bolzano): South Tyrolean Correspondences / Južnotirolske korespondencije
  2. dr. sc. Ivan Jeličić (University of Rijeka): Istraživanje o kasno habsburškoj Rijeci / Fijumi: razmatranja o radništvu / Research on the Late Habsburg Fiume/Rijeka: Considerations on the Workers
  3. Olja Višković / Tullio Vorano (Labin): Specijalna knjižnica Giovanni Antonia Martinuzzi / The Special Library “Giovanni Antonio Martinuzzi”

Moderator: dr. sc. Vlatka Lemić

10.30 – 11.00 Pauza / Break

11.00 – 12.00 Okrugli stol: Izazovi istraživanja povijesti multikulturalnih sredina / Round table: The Challenges of Researching the History of Multicultural Regions

doc. dr. sc. Maurizio Levak  (University of Pula): Značaj i uloga regionalnih znanstveno-stručnih časopisa / The Importance and Role of Regional Academic and Professional Journals

Respondenti / Respondents: dr. sc. Ivan Jeličić, dr. sc. Georg Grote

Moderator: dr. sc. Angela Ilić

12.00 – 13.30 Ručak / Lunch

13.30 – 16.00 Razgledavanje grada Pazina i Državnog arhiva u Pazinu uz stručno vodstvo / Sightseeing tour of Pazin and of the State Archives in Pazin

18.00 Večera / Dinner


Petak, 4.10.2019 – Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli
Friday, 4 October 2019 – Juraj Dobrila University of Pula

8.30 Polazak u Pulu / Departure for Pula

10.00 – 11.30 Razgledavanje Sveučilišne knjižnice u Puli, Knjižnice ratne mornarice (dr. sc. Bruno Dobrić, voditelj Sveučilišne knjižnice) i šetnja starim gradom uz stručno vodstvo / Visits to the University Library of Pula and to the former k. u. k. Naval Library (with dr. sc. Bruno Dobrić, Head Librarian of the University Library) with brief walking tour of Pula

Točka susreta / Meeting point: Sveučilišna knjižnica u Puli / University Library of Pula, Herkulov prolaz 1, 52100 Pula

11.30 – 12.15 Okrugli stol: Međuregionalna i međunarodna suradnja / Round table: Transregional and international cooperation

Filozofski fakultet u Puli, Dvorana Slavka Zlatića / Faculty of Humanities, Auditorium “Slavko Zlatić”, ul. Ivana Matetića Ronjgova 1, 52100 Pula

doc. dr. sc. Iva Milovan Delić (University of Pula): Lokalni odrazi globalnih fenomena: slučaj španjolske gripe 1918. – 1919. / Local Reflections of Global Phenomena: The Case of the Spanish Flu 1918–1919

dr. sc. Dean Krmac  (Histria Koper): Plurilingvistička i multikulturalna sveistarska suradnja na području humanističkih znanosti / Multilingual and Multicultural Istria-wide Cooperation in the Field of Humanities

Respondent: Olja Višković

Moderator: doc. dr. sc. Mihovil Dabo (University of Pula)

12.15 – 12.30 Zatvaranje konferencije / Conference closure

12.30 Ručak / Lunch


Dr. Angela Ilić


Održavanje Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa omogućilo je

Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske / This conference was made possible through the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia




Pod pokroviteljstvom: / Supported by:










Tagungsbericht von Mihovil Dabo, Department of History, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, David Orlovic, Elementary School, Dr. Mate Demarin, Medulin auf hsozkult.de